Total Tulsa Home Remodeling Services
Is a Total Home Remodel best for You?
If you love your neighborhood, dread the thought of moving, yet have a home whose amenities and appearance do not meet your needs, it may be time to consider a total home remodel. The scale of your project can range from simple cosmetic features within the existing structure to a revamp of the existing floor plan in conjunction with a room or multiple room additions and architectural changes. Independent of the scale, transformation of your home is an exciting step which can be very intimidating considering the amount of planing required. At The Buckingham Group our objective is to put your mind at ease by providing you with a comprehensive proposal as well as a detailed time line for construction through the use of our systemized Construction Management System.

Your Plan Optimized and Prioritized
Creating a detailed plan and knowing the financial investment you are willing to make is critical for the success of a total home remodel. We will assist you in developing and optimizing your plan by first listing all changes you want to make, and then prioritizing them based on their need and the impact they will have on your quality of life. Supplementing this we will use our area specific proprietary questionnaires and extensive review of your existing home, to formulate a plan to meet your objectives. We then apply our creative ability to the reallocation of space within your home and develop a new floor plan, with or without an addition, that provides your wish list of changes. The process is finalized with a comprehensive investment proposal and detailed specifications. Once approved we create a critical construction timetable for project execution.

Total Home Remodel Free Resources
Trust The Buckingham Group with Your Total Home Remodel

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